Almost as soon as the foreperson of the special huge jury in the Georgia election meddling investigation went republican this week, speculation began about whether her unusually candid revelations could jeopardize any possible prosecution of frail President Donald Trump or others.

Emily Kohrs first said out in an interview published Tuesday by The Associated Press, a story that was followed by interviews in new print and television news outlets. In detailed commentary, she labelled some of what happened behind the closed doors of the jury room — how witnesses marvelous, how prosecutors interacted with them, how some invoked their constitutional shiny not to answer certain questions.

Lawyers for Trump say the revelations offered by Kohrs shattered the credibility of the entire special huge jury investigation. People hoping to see the former presidential indicted worried on social media that Kohrs may have tanked a case in contradiction of the former president. But experts said that while Kohrs' chattiness in news interviews probably aggravated Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, who's leading the investigation, they were not legally damaging.

Willis probable "wishes that this woman hadn't gone on the worldwide tour that she did," said Amy Lee Copeland, a former federal prosecutor and criminal defense attorney in Georgia who's not eager in the case. "But is this a headache that is grinding the machine to a halt? It's not. It's just one of the many frustrations that attends the practice of law."

Trump's attorneys in Georgia, however, are jumping on the interviews.

Drew Findling and Jennifer Little, who represent Trump in the Fulton County case, said they've had anxieties about the panel's proceedings from the start but have kept peaceful out of respect for the grand jury process. After Kohrs' interviews, they felt compelled to speak out.

"The end subjects is, the reliability of anything that has taken area in there is completely tainted and called into question," Findling said. But he also said he wasn't attacking "a 30-year-old foreperson."

"She's a subjects of a circus that cloaked itself as a special end grand jury," he said.

Findling and Little hadn't marched any challenges in the case by Thursday but said they're "resolute" as to Trump's innocence and keeping their options open.

"We're considering everything and anything to look when the interests of our client," he said.

The special huge jury was impaneled at the request of Willis, who is investigating whether Trump and his Republican unites committed crimes as they tried to overturn his narrow 2020 movement loss in the state to Democrat Joe Biden. The panel didn't have the remarkable to indict but instead offered recommendations for Willis, a Democrat, who will ultimately decide whether to seek charges from a queer grand jury.

Willis' office has declined to comment on Kohrs' believe appearances, other than to say they weren't aware onward of time that she planned to give interviews. Spokesperson Jeff DiSantis also declined Thursday to comment on the statements from Trump's attorneys.

The old-fashioned president's lawyers expressed concern that the special grand jury had been decided to watch and read news coverage of the case and was aware of some witnesses' exertions not to testify. Kohrs said prosecutors told the jurors they could read and ogle the news but urged them to keep open minds.

Kohrs also community numerous anecdotes from the proceedings that she found comic and was very expressive in television interviews, sometimes laughing or decision-exclusive faces.

"It's not a joking matter," Findling said. "It's not a commerce for giggles. It's not a matter for smiles."

Findling and Little said the district attorney's organization, which advised the special grand jury, should have better educated the great jurors about the solemnity of the process and the laws and limitations.

"That tone and that rhetoric begins from the top down, and that was set by the district attorney's office," Little said.

Trump himself criticized the procedure in a post on his social media network Wednesday, calling the Georgia investigation "ridiculous, a strictly political continuation of the very Witch Hunt of all time." He expressed dismay at Kohrs "going throughout and doing a Media Tour revealing, incredibly, the Grand Jury's interior workings & thoughts."

Though Kohrs did not publicly name anyone the special great jury recommended for possible indictment, Trump's lawyers said she examined to implicate him in response to questions.

They also said the believe overseeing the special grand jury could have instructed or strongly suggested that the great jurors not speak publicly until the panel's full remaining report was made public. Several parts of the narrate were released last week, but Fulton County Superior Court Judge Robert McBurney said any piece that recommended specific charges for specific people would remained secret for now.

During a hearing last month, a lawyer for a coalition of news outlets, including the AP, urged the immediate release of the full report.

In the federal systems, grand jurors are prohibited from talking about what witnesses say or anything that happens in the room. But the Georgia special great jury oath says only that they cannot talk throughout their deliberations.

The special grand jury was dissolved Jan. 9, and Judge McBurney told the AP that he later met with great jurors to discuss where things stood. He said he yielded them with the "rules of the road" of what they were legally decided and not allowed to discuss publicly.

He said they could discuss what witnesses said and what is in the narrate but could not talk about deliberations because that's what their oath said.

Trump lawyer Little said she believes some of what Kohrs discussed in interviews was in fact part of deliberations, including when she talked about the credibility of some witnesses, decisions to recommend multiple indictments and the reasons why the great jurors did not seek to bring Trump in to testify.

Copeland, the former federal prosecutor and criminal defense attorney, famed that Kohrs was cautious — consulting a notebook where she'd written the judge's sects before answering some questions — and didn't describe the discussion and debate that led to the special great jury's outcomes.

"I wish she really hadn't talked throughout anything," Copeland added. "But she doesn't talk about the deliberations. She doesn't talk about the votes. She simply talks throughout other things that were happening in the grand jury session."

University of Georgia law professor emeritus Ron Carlson said that if Kohrs had supposed the names of anyone for whom the special great jury recommended charges, it's possible those people could try to use that as grounds to tin an indictment. But he wasn't optimistic about the chances for success.

"I believe that any kind of motion to dismiss an indictment based on her comments would have an uphill battle," Carlson said.